2008年9月2日 星期二

世界原住民年鑑 原住民世界

IWGIA's Yearbook The Indigenous World


IWGIA's Yearbook is issued every year and provides an update on the state of affairs of indigenous peoples around the world. The Yearbook will be published in May every year and its content cover the previous calendar year.


Urban indigenous populations


政府計畫公布後,使得溪洲部落必須遷移,這是一群已經在此居住超過三十年的阿美族都市原住民。這場安置計畫,據說是以「都市更新」為名進行,規畫前未曾充分與溪洲部落溝通,也不曾取得部落同意。部落拒絕這項安置計畫,因為這將摧毀部落居民多年來建立的生活方式,以及社會福利機能(social support mechanism):包含老人、失業者、單親家庭的社區照護。200712月,總統候選人之一對溪州部落的聯署回應,揭露了台灣社會對原住民族根深蒂固的歧視。反對黨國民黨的黨主席,馬英九先生,觸怒了整個原住民族,竟當著連署者的面前表示:1)原住民沒有「基因缺陷」,只是「缺乏好的機會」;2)他把原住民「當人看」,要好好的照顧他們。發表此評論後,馬英九受到壓力,發表道歉聲明,但此事件已揭露長久以來對原住民族的歧視,以及台灣制訂原住民政策時那溫和卻專制的態度。

Government plans have been revealed that demand the relocation of Shi-jou Community, an urban settlement of the Pangcah people (also known as Amis) that has existed for over three decades. The resettlement is supposedly being undertaken in the name of "city renewal" and was planned without adequate consultation with, or consent from, the Shi-jou Community. The Community rejects such a relocation program, which will disrupt their lifestyle and the social support mechanism that has been established by community members over the years. This includes community care for the elderly, the unemployed and single-parent households. In December 2007, a response to the Shi-jou Community's petition from one of the candidates in the presidential elections exposed the deep-rooted discrimination towards indigenous peoples in Taiwanese society. Mr. Ying-Jiou Ma, the leader of the opposition party – the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuo-ming-Tang) – outraged indigenous society by commenting in front of the petitioners that 1) indigenous peoples are not "genetically defect", but "only lack good opportunities", and 2) he has treated indigenous peoples as "human beings" and has meant to provide them with good care. Ma was pressured to apologize after making the comment, but the incident has revealed the prevalent discrimination towards indigenous peoples and the paternalistic attitude in indigenous policies in Taiwan.

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